CTA Review Submissions

September 21, 2015 | Category: Research Papers

In July of 2015 WESTAC began collecting CTA submissions into a publicly available compendium for Canadians and the transportation sector.

Throughout the region, the infrastructure and transportation systems vary considerably from one jurisdiction to another, yet are integrated and interdependent. Maintaining seamless, efficient transportation is vital to the West’s resource and manufacturing sectors.

Presentations from WESTAC Forums are available for members to download up to two years after the event.

Post-Meeting Report – 2015 Spring Member Forum. Geopolitics & Trade: Shifting Markets – Impacts on Western Canada’s Economy & Transportation Network

Tags : Trade

2015 Spring Member Forum Program

April 29, 2015 | Category: Member Forum

Program - 2015 Spring Member Forum. Geopolitics & Trade: Shifting Markets – Impacts on Western Canada’s Economy & Transportation Network

Tags : Trade

This WESTAC Briefing has been prepared as a service to WESTAC members. It is intended to provide a summary of the main elements of the new regulatory framework for container trucking in the Vancouver area (“Lower Mainland”).

Mr. Tirole, 2014 Winner of Nobel Prize for Economics, has said, “regulation is a complex subject because it must be light enough to prevent entrepreneurship from being squelched,” while “at the same time you need to have a strong state which is going to enforce those regulations.” The discussion among Members was very much in the same vein: that regulation is sometimes difficult but, on occasion, essential. The key is to grasp the difficulties and proceed, cautiously aware of the complexities and subtleties.

Tags : Trade, Trucking, Policy

Transportation industry leaders gathered in Winnipeg to discuss freight forecasts that impact Western Canada’s transportation network: potash, coal, agricultural products, energy products and containerized goods. Shippers and transportation providers then responded and outlined the challenges and opportunities of each commodity.

Supporting Continued Success: Disaster Management; And Regional Transportation Priorities

WESTAC Members identified public opposition as an issue of importance to the future of the transportation industry. It seems no matter where one turns, there is public opposition and angst regarding projects of all types and transportation is no different.