Technology and Skills in Transportation
Forty individuals from across western Canada and representing all six sectors (Air, Construction, Logistics, Marine, Rail and Trucking) in the Asia Pacific Gateway were surveyed or interviewed to gather their impressions about the current priorities in technology and innovation investments.

2012 Semi-Annual Meeting Highlights Report The World As We Don't Know It…Game Changers & Transportation's Response
At WESTAC’s Semi-Annual Meeting, November 20 and 21 in Vancouver, Members heard from two provocative speakers presenting game-changing scenarios. Each scenario challenged the world as we know it on globalization, transportation networks and infrastructure development.

Getting to the Hart of Trade Agreements - A New Global Trading World
Trade policy should recognize that we live in a world of globally integrated production and there are very few products that are wholly Canadian anymore (or wholly from any one nation).

Beyond the Border: A shared Vision for Perimeter Security and Economic Competitiveness
Beyond the Border is a declaration signed by the leaders of Canada and the U.S. in February 2011. It called for an Action Plan to work jointly on a perimeter approach to security and economic competitiveness to improve the legitimate flow of people, goods and services.

2012 Annual Meeting Highlights Report Moving Energy Products: Risks & Rewards
WESTAC’s Annual Meeting held April 3 and 4 at Government House in Edmonton provided a valuable opportunity for transportation leaders to explore the sensitive subject of exporting Canada’s energy products.

Airships: A Game-Changer
Airships are being described as the next “game-changer” in transportation, much as the steam railway and ISO sea container were in earlier times. The specific game changer that is expected to generate broad acceptance is the military airship, as several projects of the US Army are set to deliver the largest airships since the giant Zeppelins of the 1930s. Once these airships take to the air, the doubts about the reliability of the vehicles will be put aside, and commercial interests will take a serious look.

2011 Semi-Annual Meeting Highlights Report
At WESTAC’s Semi-Annual Meeting October 18 & 19 in Calgary, supply chain leaders from all sectors came together to discuss whether the system is Up to the Challenge – Building Capacity to Meet Demand.

Back to the Drawing Board - Grain Transportation Under a New Wheat Marketing Regime
About 150 people met in Winnipeg for the annual Fields on Wheels conference on September 30 to hear the perspectives of a wide range of stakeholders in the grain handling and transportation system and discuss the implications of the new wheat marketing regime. Legislation was introduced subsequently in the House of Commons on October 18, 2011.

Performance Measurement in Maritime Supply Chains
The 6th Annual Canada Maritime Conference presented a panel on Key Performance Indicators Across the Supply Chain. There is an acknowledged and growing need for good data in the form of service quality parameters and measurable performance standards.

2011 Annual Meeting Highlights Report
The Annual Meeting held April 5 and 6 in Winnipeg brought together industry experts to discuss commodity outlooks for Western Canada.