Government of British Columbia

Founding Member
Sustaining Member

The B.C. Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure plans transportation networks, provides transportation services and infrastructure, develops and implements transportation policies, and administers many related acts and regulations. The Ministry also administers federal-provincial funding programs to build sustainable communities. The Ministry opens up B.C. through innovative, forward-thinking transportation strategies that move people and goods safely, and fuel our provincial economy. Improvement of vital infrastructure is a key goal, along with enhancing the competitiveness of B.C.s transportation industries, reducing transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions and providing B.C. with a safe and reliable highway system. To accomplish its mandate, the Ministry: Works to expand and integrate various modes of transportation in consultation with local and regional authorities, stakeholder groups and industry members, with port, railway, airport, and transit service partners, and in cooperation with transportation-related Crown corporations; Pursues policies and initiatives to enhance the competitiveness of B.C.s ports and airports; Works with partners and other levels of government to provide funding to develop and deliver cost-effective public transit, ferry services, and cycling networks; Builds highway infrastructure to fulfill the economic and social needs of British Columbians; Maintains highways to a high standard through contracts with private sector road maintenance providers; Undertakes vehicle safety inspections and sets commercial vehicle operating standards; and licenses and regulates commercial passenger transportation.


Hon. Rob Fleming
Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure

Kaye Krishna
Deputy Minister

Kevin Volk
Assistant Deputy Minister, Major Projects, Infrastructure & Properties Dept.